For years we have had a severely deformed young leprosy-affected person coming and going but never really telling us where he came from or went to. After a serious food and care situation he told us that he and a group of leprosy-affected people have been living reasonably near to us, down a road that we never travel on because it takes too long to go anywhere. A new leprosy colony in 2023! It bewildered the staff. They decided to stay ‘isolated’ because of social family connection reasons.

All of the people were from nearby villages and they were near to their villages, but in a forest area that is mostly thorn bushes so dense that even a goat won’t go down. A totally established mini village made from scraps of everything. We now care for this ‘new’ leprosy colony and twice a week give a ‘deluxe’ – as they call it – meal. There are children born in the colony and for me and one of our trustees, it reminded us of our lives 60 years ago.

The people who formed the colony only allowed other leprosy affected persons to join if they remained ‘isolated’ because of social family connection reasons. Strange way but that’s how the colony is and grew.

Almost all of the people were from nearby villages and they were near to their villages, but in a forest area that is mostly thorn bushes so dense that even a goat won’t go down. A totally established mini village made from scraps of everything. We now care for this ‘new’ leprosy colony and twice a week give a ‘deluxe’ – as they call it – meal.
There are children born in the colony and for me and one of our trustees, it reminded us of our lives 60 years ago.
Through our ‘long time contact’ man they were a bit over whelmed that we would give them a humanity service and not ask a lot of history of them.